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Proposed Youth Committee for Kilmarnock RFC

Proposed Youth Committee for Kilmarnock RFC

Claire Provan22 May - 22:15
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Apply today for our Youth Committee and make the changes you want!!!


At Kilmarnock RFC we are trying to think of new ways to include everyone in the running and
development of the Club and in particular the youth section. We feel over the years the youth
section of the Club has not had as strong an input as we’d like. We want our junior Teams to
have a voice and feel listened to. Their opinions matter!!!

So we are delighted to advise that we intend to create a Youth Committee for Seasons 24/25.
This will be led by players from the Youth Teams – new U13s (S1s) right up to U18s
The Youth Committee will be a great opportunity for young people to get an insight into what goes on behind the scenes at Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club. We want to create a Committee that aims to involve players from each age group to drive forward rugby opportunities, promote rugby and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved with the game within schools, the Club and local Community

The chosen representatives have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through
monthly meetings and volunteering activities as well as developing various skills and attributes

  • Confidence
  • Self motivation
  • Organisational skills
  • Teamwork
  • Empathy
  • Community Spirit

We are looking for Junior Club Members who want to influence decision making within the Club and who are able to put forward their views and the views of other young Club Members. These could be simple things like players saying “we want a tuck shop on a Wednesday night “ to bigger things perhaps related to Coaches and player development. We want all our Youth section to have a voice and be interested in driving forward positive changes within the Club.

We understand that everyone has different commitments and priorities outwith Rugby and being part of this Committee is not compulsory but we do want Members who can commit to 30 to 45 minutes a month to attend meetings, probably before or after training on a Wednesday night to make it easier to attend. Please note additional time may be required if there are actions that arise from a Youth Committee meeting

If you are the parent/guardian of a junior member who would like to apply for a position within the Youth Committee then can I ask that you send me an email with their responses to the following 5 questions below. Please include their name, age and team they play for

  • What do you think Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club does well?
  • What do you think Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club need to work on?
  • Why are you interested in joining the Youth Committee?
  • Why do you think you should be selected as a member of the Youth Committee?
  • What events, initiatives or changes would you like to see for the Youths at Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club?

Please submit any nominations to Claire Provan ( by Friday 28 June

We look forward to hearing from you

Kind regards

Claire Provan – Vice President of Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club

Further reading